Proyecto Cultura

Cookies policy

What are cookies?
This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies that store and retrieve information when you browse. In general, these technologies can serve very different purposes, such as, for example, recognizing you as a user, obtaining information about your browsing habits, or personalizing the way in which the content is displayed. The specific uses we make of these technologies are described below.

What does this website use cookies for?
This website uses cookies for a number of purposes, including:
Analysis: are those that, processed by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service offered. To do this, your navigation on our website is analyzed in order to improve the offer of products or services that we offer.

Behavioral advertising: these are those that, processed by us or by third parties, allow us to analyze your browsing habits on the Internet to show you advertising related to your browsing profile.

Who uses cookies on this website?
The identification of who uses the cookies, the type of cookies used and other details is indicated below:
EXAMPLE They must indicate all their own and third-party cookies used on the page, as indicated in the following table.

More information
Google Analytics
From third parties
Collect information about users’ navigation through the site in order to know the origin of visits and other similar data at a statistical level. Google Analytics also uses these cookies to show you advertising related to your browsing profile.
Google Analytics
Google Privacy Center

Note: “Own” cookies are used only by the owner of this website and “Third Party” cookies are also used by the service provider detailed in the table above.
You can find out about transfers to third countries that, where applicable, are carried out by the third parties identified in this cookie policy in their corresponding policies (see the links provided in the “More information” section of the table above).

How can I deactivate or delete these cookies?
You can allow or block cookies, as well as delete your browsing data (including cookies) by returning to the cookie configuration panel and deactivating the cookies accepted at the time (withdrawal of consent).
You can also disable accepted cookies from the browser you use. Consult the options and instructions offered by your browser for this. Please note that if you accept third-party cookies, you must delete them from the browser options.
Below are the links with the information to manage the cookies of the most used browsers:
Internet Explorer:
Microsoft Edge:
Other browsers: Consult the documentation for the browser you have installed.

Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on
If you want to reject Google Analytics analytics cookies in all browsers, so that your information is not sent to Google Analytics, you can download an add-on that performs this function from this link: gaoptout.

Exercise of rights
You can know and exercise your rights regarding data protection by accessing our Privacy Policy. (link to include that will take you to the website’s privacy policy).


The owner of this website may modify this Cookies Policy based on legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, therefore Users are advised to visit periodically.

The security of the page hosting server must be checked by implementing the SSL certificate (https://) and other updated security systems that allow safe browsing for the user. Failure to configure and host on unsecured servers is grounds for sanction by the AEPD.

It is mandatory for the webmaster or website maintenance company to store or backup all consents accepted by the various CKECK boxes and acceptance buttons on the website. This storage or backup copy must be provided or made available to the person responsible for the website, with the intention of being able to use them in the event of conflicts caused by consents in the processing of data collected and cookies. The storage data would be: identifying data, date, time and type of consented form, etc.


Any advertising or promotional communication, whether direct or indirect, of your products or services, sent by email or any other means of electronic communication (e.g. Fax, SMS, Telephone without human intervention…), It must be carried out only with the express prior consent of the recipient, or the request for information made by the recipient.
However, the Law contemplates an exception: the existence of a prior contractual relationship. That is, if you are going to send emails, faxes, SMS messages, etc., to a client, member, student, etc., to someone who has already hired you or requested a quote, you are legally authorized, without the need to have again the express authorization of your client, to send electronic communications to promote your products and/or services, either directly or indirectly, as long as you comply with the following conditions:
. – That, at the time of the initial contract, you already obtained the data lawfully, without deception, and in compliance with the obligations imposed by the Data Protection Law and other applicable regulations, that is, the duty to information via budgets, delivery notes or invoices.

. – That the promotional offers you send correspond to products or services from your own company (not third parties), and that they are also similar to those that were initially contracted by the client. This last condition is especially important and relevant, as it limits the “cross-selling” of other products or services.

. – That you offer the recipient, in each of the promotional and/or advertising communications that you make, and not only in the initial one, the possibility of opposing the processing of their data, by making a simple and free procedure available to them to do so. If communications are made by email, you must comply with this condition, including a valid email address to which the client can write to request their removal from your mailing list. From that moment on, you must “remove” your client from your promotional lists, and not send them any more communications. In the clause to include in the emails that we have provided you, it already contemplates this requirement.
Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce:
Article 21 “Prohibition of commercial communications carried out through email or equivalent electronic means of communication” tells us that, as electronic communication, it is understood, “any form of communication aimed at the promotion, direct or indirect, of the image or the goods or services of a company, organization or person that carries out a commercial, industrial, artisanal or professional activity”. They are those made through e-mail, fax, SMS or mms.
The aforementioned article makes it clear that it is prohibited to send advertising or promotional communications by email or other equivalent means of electronic communication that have not previously been requested or expressly authorized by the recipients thereof. Unless there is a prior contractual relationship, provided that the provider has lawfully obtained the contact information of the recipient and used them to send commercial communications regarding products or services of its own company that are similar to those that were initially the subject. contracting with the client.
Commercial communications must be clearly identifiable as such, so at the beginning of the message the word “advertising” or the abbreviation “publi” must be included. The person on whose behalf such communications are made must also be clearly identifiable.
Likewise, if on any occasion a promotional offer is made (discounts, prizes, gifts or contests), it must be ensured that they are clearly identified as such and that the conditions of access and participation will be accessible, clear and unambiguous.
Furthermore, the recipient may revoke at any time the consent given to receive commercial communications with the simple notification of his/her will, so in each of the communications that are made we must inform you of this possibility and provide you with a simple and free procedure to do so, this is already provided for in the clause to be included in the emails, in any case, it does not matter. include at the beginning of the e-mail a text similar to this:

This message is purely informative, although part of its content is commercial or advertising in nature.
If you wish to stop receiving our informative messages, you can request
We must also proceed when the advertising or promotional message is made through SMS or the WhatsApp social network or other equivalent means.

. – If on any occasion a promotional offer is made (discounts, prizes, gifts or contests), it must be ensured that they are clearly identified as such and that the conditions of access and participation will be accessible, clear and unambiguous.

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