Since 2021 producing quality shows
Established in 2018 as a company dedicated to the Distribution of Shows, PROYECTO CULTURA begins its journey in 2021 as a theatrical producer with the premiere of ‘CONQUISTADORES’ in co-production with the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Government of Extremadura. In June 2022, it premiered its second production in co-production with the Cáceres Classical Theater Festival ‘MENINA. I am a fucking work of Velázquez’. Both have been included in the catalog of RECOMMENDED shows of the Spanish Network of Publicly Owned Theatres, Auditoriums, Circuits and Festivals in 2022.
In June 2023 ‘MAQUIAVELO’ premiered again in co-production with the Cáceres Classical Theater Festival , and among the three productions they have been candidates for 7 MAX AWARDS. CONQUISTADORES: Best Breakthrough Show and Best Breakthrough Authorship (2022). MENINA. I am a fucking work by Velázquez: Best Breakthrough Show, Best Actress and Best Lighting Design (2023); Best Breakthrough Show (2024). MAQUIAVELO: Best Breakthrough Show (2024).
The three productions have an extensive national tour and have support from the INAEM and the Junta de Extremadura for this purpose. 2024 will be the year of the premiere of its fourth production, ‘BORBONES’.
PROYECTO CULTURA, as a producer, is characterized by dealing with issues critical to today’s society using contemporary aesthetics and language, always taking historical events or elements as a reference.
Proyecto Cultura
Marta Moreno
Production and Distribution
Graduated in Art History and graduated in Higher Professional Training in Administration and Finance, she came to the world of theater in 2008 with Sala Cero Teatro (Seville), where she would remain for just over 9 years developing management, administration and distribution functions. .
In 2018 she moved to Mérida where she embarked on the creation of Proyecto Cultura, performing mediation, distribution and advisory functions for companies and public administrations.
She currently works as a distributor in the Extremadura area with highly prestigious national companies such as Histrión Teatro, Los Titiriteros de Binéfar, Teatro del Temple, Festuc Teatre or Lapso Producciones among others.
Juanma Holguera
Idea original
Su experiencia profesional en diferentes ámbitos, de un modo u otro, siempre ha estado relacionada con la gestión de equipos. Durante ocho años ha trabajado como Director del Teatro Nuevo Calderón y gestor cultural para el Ayuntamiento de Montijo, donde ha desarrollado y dirigido multitud de proyectos con grandes resultados, convirtiendo a la localidad en un referente de gestión dentro de la región y reconocida fuera de ella.
Licenciado en Historia, con un Máster en Gestión Cultural y un Posgrado en Dirección de Empresas de Turismo de Interior y Desarrollo Local, es un apasionado del emprendimiento, con más de 4 exitosos proyectos empresariales a sus espaldas en los últimos 12 años.
Su continua participación en ferias, muestras, mercados y encuentros profesionales del sector de las Artes Escénicas por todo el territorio nacional le ha llevado a conocer distintos modelos de producción y gestión de proyectos.
Shows with personality
If something characterizes our shows, it is originality, and our maxim is to stir something in the public and send powerful messages through our works.